Free U Bail Bonds undoubtedly has the best staff of professional bail agents anywhere in the state. We understand what you want and what you need from us. We are here to make sure you understand every step of the bail bond process and to help guide you through the criminal justice system. Our job only begins when the bond is posted. We not only understand what it takes to get you out of jail but more importantly what it takes to keep you out.
As a family owned and operated company, Free U Bail Bonds fully understands the value of family. Nothing makes us sadder than seeing loved ones torn over legal issues and jail. Nothing makes us happier than uniting these two parties once again.
The professionals at Free U Bail Bonds will do everything in our power to help make the entire bail experience as comfortable as possible. We have staff available to answer your questions and concerns and understand that bail bonding is not something that most people are familiar with.
We offer 0% Interest Payment Plans. Payments can be taken over the phone at no additional charge. We will provide you with the quickest response. Fast and confident response is what we are famous for. Let our bail bondsmen answer all your bail bond questions and put your mind at ease.
At Free U Bail Bonds, we do everything to make your bail experience as hassle-free as possible. We endeavor to make the bail-bonding process as smooth and efficient as possible for our clients and their loved ones. Free U Bail Bonds in Alabama offers complete bail-bonding services along with numerous benefits.
Free U Bail Bonds is one of the most honorable bail bond companies in all of Alabama. We are a statewide, family-owned and operated bail bond company since our founding in 1998 that has integrity, compassion, and heart to help unite loved ones and resolve their situations.
It is our mission to provide each of our valued clients with fast, confidential, and courteous service. We believe in the right to bail and that a person is innocent until proven guilty. We also believe each person has the right to a fair and speedy trial and has the right to be represented by an attorney.
Our company values all of our clients individually, just as if every one of them were a brother or sister. And because we value the importance of family, we are committed to serving your needs and the needs of your family. You shouldn’t have to go through this stressful time alone. At Free U Bail Bonds, we want to provide you with the best bail help you could ask for. We want you to feel comfortable consulting with us. We want to be positively impressionable so you can always rely on us for help.