
How To Behave In Court

Growing up, we’re all taught how to behave at home, in school, around friends, and with strangers. But we’re never exactly taught how to behave in court – as a defendant. We’re not expected to ever be in this position, that’s why. And while we hope you never are, we’re going to provide court etiquette tips anyway, because well, life likes to throw us curve balls every now and then.

Courtroom Etiquette

Navigating a courtroom can be intimidating, especially if it’s your first time. Understanding proper courtroom etiquette is essential to making a positive impression and ensuring that you are taken seriously. Here are some key tips to help you conduct yourself appropriately and respectfully during your court appearance.

● Arrive on time. Arrive early if possible.
● Stand and sit straight. Do not slouch.
● Do not chew gum.
● Remove hats and sunglasses.
● Dress professionally.
● Speak only when prompted to. Speak clearly and do not mumble.
● Make eye contact with whom you are speaking to.
● Silence phones and pagers.
● Answer only what you are asked.
● When answering yes or now, say “yes” or “no” instead of simply nodding or shaking your head.
● Acknowledge the judge as “Your Honor.”
● Remain calm and respectful.
● If possible, leave your young children at home.

Standing in court is a serious thing and really, the judge and the jury are watching your every move. Even representing yourself immaturely and sloppily will be a point against you.

Preparing for court is much easier when you’re home and not sitting in jail. Free U Bail Bonds Roanoke can help bail you out of jail. You or someone you know will need to contact us online or at 855-633-BAIL.