f you live out of state, struggle with transportation, or aren’t in a position where you can make a trip to the LaFayette Bail Bonds, but also need to arrange to bail a loved one out of jail, you should seriously consider our online bail bonds program.

What is the LaFayette Bail Bonds Online Bail Program?

Instead of calling, you use the Chat With Us link which immediately puts you in touch with one of our experienced bail bond experts. During the free bail consultation, our expert will listen to the unique details of your situation. They will also discuss how the LaFayette Bail Bonds program works. If you want us to provide the bail for your loved one, the next step is going through our online bail application process.

How LaFayette Bail Bonds Online Bail Program Works?

Don’t worry. You won’t be overwhelmed by our online application. It’s quite straightforward and simple. First, you’ll have to provide some basic information which includes:

  • Birthdate
  • Address
  • Current employment
  • Driver’s license numbers
  • Phone number

The most complicated part is explaining the circumstances of your loved one’s arrest. Most people find it that it only takes them 10 or 20 minutes to complete the application. Since our bail expert has already discussed the situation, it doesn’t take long to approve the online bail application. Once you’ve completed the application, we review it and discuss bail payment plans. In addition to the signed contract, we’ll also need a photo of your driver’s license or state-issued identification card.

How Long Before Your Loved One is Free?

We can’t predict how long it will take the courthouse to file the paperwork, but we can assure you that as soon as we approve your bail contract, we work as quickly as possible to pay your loved one’s bail and get them released from jail. In most cases, the entire process doesn’t take long at all.

Why Choose A Better Bail Bonds?

In addition to creating a simple, straightforward online bail bonds program, there are several other reasons you should consider using LaFayette Bail Bonds when you or someone you love requires Alabama bail.

Additional reasons to contact LaFayette Bail Bonds include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Bail approval via phone
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral for working signers

We have people on hand who speak Spanish.

Here at LaFayette Bail Bonds, we’ve done everything in our power to make the entire bail process as fast and stress-free as possible.

For a free bail consultation with a professional bail agent and additional information about how our online bail program works, call 334-719-2266 or click Chat With Us now.