
What Kind Of Bail Will Get My Loved One Out Of Jail?

“Help! My loved one is in jail and I want to bail them out of jail ASAP! But, what type of bail bond do I need? There are all these different kinds!”

Free U Bail Bonds Decatur is here to help break it down for you in the quickest, simplest description (we don’t want you to waste too much time reading extra info!)

  • Own Recognizance – when a defendant is released from jail simply signing a promise to return to court. No financial payment is required. Eligibility for own recognizance release is up to the judge.
  • Cash Bond – the judge will determine the bail of the defendant, the amount of money owed in order to be released from jail. The defendant can pay the entire thing in cash. He or she will need to show up for all court appointments, and their cash can be returned to them at the end of the trial.
  • Bail Bond – also known as a surety bond. Used when the defendant cannot or would rather not use a cash bond. A third-party professional bail bond company gets involved and will charge the defendant a premium, 3% of the bail amount that does not get returned at the end of the trial. The defendant will need to show up for court or is subject to paying off the entire bail, losing collateral, and getting taken back into custody. For many, this is the more desired solution.
  • Property Bond – when property like homes and cars are at stake to secure release. If the defendant skips court or disobeys any other release terms, the court will take ownership of the property that was pledged; the original owner will lose this. Not as often used as cash or bail bonds.
  • Immigration Bondreserved only for those who are immigrants, documented or undocumented and involves ICE. Similar to a bail bond, the defendant will need to appear for immigration hearings at court.

If you want more info on any of these types of bonds, please do contact us, Free U Bail Bonds Decatur, online or on the phone at 855-633-BAIL or 855-633-2245! We’re more than happy to answer any and all questions you have, and we can offer you free consultations for our bail bonds.