Contrary to popular belief, bail bond agents do not dress and talk like a bodyguard or club bouncer. Some may have the build of one but not all of us! You really have nothing to be afraid or intimidated of when you approach a bail...

Even though paying for a bail bond is significantly more affordable than paying for cash bail, some people still struggle more than others to meet the financial demands of the bail bond. Free U Bail Bonds Jasper understands that everyone has different financial situations, so...

We like to caution people to be aware of their surroundings because you can never really know what may suddenly happen. You could end up being an innocent person in the wrong place at the wrong time and, just like that, you’re in trouble. You...

Growing up, we’re all taught how to behave at home, in school, around friends, and with strangers. But we’re never exactly taught how to behave in court - as a defendant. We’re not expected to ever be in this position, that’s why. And while we...

Bail bonds get people out of jail, but they don’t get everyone out. Here are the bail bond eligibility requirements to secure a bail bond: ● You need to be 18 or older. Bail bonds are not available to any arrestee who is 17 or younger...

“Help! My loved one is in jail and I want to bail them out of jail ASAP! But, what type of bail bond do I need? There are all these different kinds!” Free U Bail Bonds Decatur is here to help break it down for you...

Anyone who pops in a DVD never likes sitting through any ads. Fortunately those can be skipped over. But then you get to that blue screen with all those words about copyright infringement. You can’t fast forward or skip over that. You’ve probably never read...

Slowly we are all beginning to realize how important social media is. What was once an online source for fun and relationship-keeping between friends has now grown to be a part of companies businesses and a useful tool for government services. That being said, watch...

In recent years, vaping has become a very popular ‘alternative’ to smoking cigarettes. Compared to smoking cigarettes, vaping is ‘healthier’ both for the individual and their environment. However, both vaping and smoking cigarettes continue to carry a social stigma with them - a coolness factor....

Don’t cling to the thought that your recent arrest is going to prevent you from getting places in life. If you do, then yes, that will likely be the case. But instead, if you rise above the occasion, hold your head high, and do not...

Summer is in full swing and we can tell you all are having the times of your lives! For some, maybe a little too much overboard fun… we seem to be bailing numerous individuals out of jail for having too much alcohol, then getting arrested...